Municipality of Wolfsberg:

CO2 Neutral Production as an Argument

Sustainability is a topic that is driving more and more municipalities to adopt a corresponding purchasing policy. As a regional partner for the purchase of waste containers, Europlast offers not only short transport routes but also the certified, CO2 neutral production of its products. The ÖKO Bin is produced from 100% recycled material in a circular economy model and withstands the toughest conditions for many, many years. Wolfsberger Stadtwerke (public utilities), a subsidiary of the Wolfsberg municipality, is a pioneer when it comes to ecological action. No wonder, it’s a town that is embedded in a pristine natural landscape between two gentle two-thousand-metre peaks of the Kor- and Saualpe. Public utilities together with Europlast results in a successful cooperation between two organisations that are thinking about tomorrow.

> Wolfsberg Recycling Centre

> To the Recycling Collection Bin 120 L

Sales Manager